
频道:兼职全职 来源:天津家教网 点击:160 日期:2022/8/22
1Flooding caused by heavy rain kills 25 in western China
Flooding caused by heavy rainfall in the western Chinese province of Qinghai has killed 25 people, state media reported on Sunday, with an additional 6 missing. Heavy and sudden downpours① in Datong Hui and Tu Autonomous County, population 403,368, of Qinghai province started late Wednesday, causing flooding on the mountains and triggered landslides, according to China’s state broadcaster CCTV. Rivers changed courses and flooded villages and towns. More than 6,200 people were affected by the flood. Local government has sent a rescue team of 2,000 people and more than 160 vehicles for disaster relief. Since June, China has been grappling② with extreme weather from heatwaves to historic floods. (Reuters)
① downpour: [ˈdaʊnpɔːr] n. a heavy fall of rain that often starts suddenly 倾盆大雨
② grapple: [ˈɡræpl] v. to try hard to find a solution to a problem 努力设法解决
2Manchester United buyers circle amid growing optimism Glazers could finally sell
At least three consortiums① are circling Manchester United with a view to a formal bid, as belief grows the Glazers would sell the club for $6bn. Whether the bidders are willing to pay that price remains to be seen, but The Independent has been told of a number of meetings between high-net-worth individuals and brokers since at least May, due to a growing feeling in industry circles that “the deal of the century could be on”. Sir Jim Ratcliffe② has previously made his interest publicly known and is widely considered the most likely buyer. His company, Ineos, which already owns OGC Nice, refused to comment when asked whether it had conducted exploratory meetings about a bid. However, a spokesperson for the billionaire later confirmed to The Times his interest in buying a stake in United with the view to taking full control of the club. (The Independent)
① consortium: [ kənˈsɔːrʃiəm] n. a group of people, countries, companies, etc. who are working together on a particular project(合作进行某项工程的)财团,银团,联营企业
② Sir Jim Ratcliffe: 吉姆·拉特克利夫爵士,全名为詹姆斯·亚瑟·拉特克利夫(James Arthur Ratcliffe),英国英力士集团首席执行官,现为英国首富
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